It's been a busy couple of weeks around the house. From make-overs to flyin' around Metropolis, I've been a busy girl.
Here are just a few pictures.

Me and mommy gave each other make-overs a few days ago. No, you're not imagining things, that's a tiara on my head. Daddy says I'll probably wear it the rest of my life and why not? Why wouldn't a princess wear a tiara?

The other day, I was practicing my letters on my Magna Doodle and, after daddy showed me how, I wrote my little brother Toad's name. Mommy and daddy were so shocked, they just had to take a picture.
Oh, and Atticus got his first pair of glasses recently.
If you ask me, he kinda looks like Chicken Little.

As a super girl, it was my job to patrol the skies of Metropolis while Superman was away on vacation.
Daddy tells me if it wasn't for me, he and his friend Nik never would've met. He used to call me Rocket Girl when I was little enough to fly around the house with one hand. Daddy met Nik at a comic book convention when Nik was hawking his comic
Rocket Girl and the rest, as they say, is history.

Here's a picture of my goofy brother Ayden thinkin' he's the Terminator.
Sometimes I can't help myself and I gotta be me, so I put toothpaste on Ayden's hand while he was taking a nap in Daddy's chair. You can probably guess what happened next.
And speaking of takin' a snooze, even my batteries run out every once in awhile.

See you soon!
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