They Call Me "Boo Boo"

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Friday, November 18, 2005

Lazy Days

Just having one of them lazy weeks.
Mommy and Daddy like the quiet, but it's driving me crazy.
I'm so bored, watching Ayden play on the computer is exciting.

In fact, I'm so bored I've started designing my own fashion line.
I made this little number from the bag that the newspaper comes in.
Vera Wang eat your heart out!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My First Halloween!

This Halloween was my first-ever "Trick or Treat" night!
Boy, was I excited! Someone said something about candy and I was all over that!
This is me, chillin' out with my current best friend before the big to-do.
Pink Martian antennae supplied by Faith "Crazy Lady" Miller.

Here we go! Bag in hand and ready for fun!
Atticus and my neighbor Amy on the road to adventure!
Brooke, another neighbor dressed up as a girl on crack.
Why would anybody do a drug named after part of their butt?
Even mommy got in on the act.
Daddy played around with this picture on the computer.
He calls this picture ZombiBarbi.
Not a bad haul for my first time out, though I can't figure out where all my candy's going. Mommy & daddy swear I'm eatin' it all, but it sure seems to be going fast.