They Call Me "Boo Boo"

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Not much going on these days. My big brother Ayden's in school a lot, so it's just me and Toad all day, every day. He's cute and everything, but boy is he silly! And don't get me started on all the drool!

The picture to your left is of me and Atticus finishing up our breakfast. Well, I'd actually finished my cereal before Toad and couldn't understand why he wouldn't share his with me. It's just not fair!

See you soon!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy

"I wish I had a giant Cheeto so I could climb to the top of it and eat my way down."

--Arlaux Molly Jean Piper Schultz, age 4